崔坤杰,香港中文大学社会福利博士,南京大学社会工作硕士,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学访问学者。现任西南财经大学社会发展研究院(社会政策与社会工作研究所)讲师,硕士研究生导师,中国社会学会社会福利专委会青年理事。主要从事流动人口子女心理和行为健康、儿童福利与政策相关研究,研究成果发表在Child Abuse and Neglect,Applied Research in Quality of Life,Children and Youth Services Review,School Mental Health,Deviant Behavior等国际学术期刊。主持并参与国家级、省部级和校级项目多项。
[2]Cui, K. J.,Xie, H., & Peng, H. M.* (2022). How past cybervictimization affects bystanders’ position taking in offline bullying situations: A moderated mediation model of self-concept and social support.School Mental Health, 1–15.
[3] Xie, H. &Cui, K. J.*(2022).Peer victimization, environmental and psychological distress, and academic performance among children in China: A serial mediation model moderated by migrant status.Child Abuse & Neglect, 133, 105850.
[4]Cui, K. J.*,&Xie, H. (2021).Intrapersonal and interpersonal sources of resilience: Mechanisms of the relationship between bullying victimization and mental health among migrant children in China.Applied Research in Quality of Life,17, 2479–2497.
[5]Cui, K. J.*,& To, S. M. (2020). School climate, bystanders’ responses, and bullying perpetration in the context of rural-to-urban migration in China.Deviant Behavior,42(11), 1416–1435.
[6]Cui, K. J.*,& To, S. M. (2020). Rural-to-urban migration, strain, and bullying perpetration: The mediating role of negative emotions, attitude toward bullying and attachment to school.International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,65(1), 24–50.
[7]Cui, K. J.*,& To, S. M. (2019). Migrant status, social support, and bullying perpetration of children in mainland China.Children and Youth Services Review,107, 104534.