杜文斌,韩国社会福利学博士,硕士生导师,四川省海外高层次留学人才。担任中国社会学学会社会福利专委会理事、中国社会工作教育协会服务学习专委会理事、韩国社会福利学会理事。主要研究领域有家庭与青少年社会福利、志愿服务。近年在Applied Research Quality Life 、The Sociological Review、《社会建设》等SSCI和CSSCI期刊上发表文章数十篇,中文文章被人大复印转载1次。主持四川省社科规划项目1项、“中央高校基本科研业务费”项目1项,参与国家社科基金项目2项。
担任国际SCI期刊PLOS ONE编委会委员和学术编辑。担任Applied Research Quality Life、Family Process、International Journal of Public Opinion Research等SSCI期刊审稿人。
1. Du W, Chen G, Gu M, et al. Association between exposure to tobacco information through mass media, smoking households and secondhand smoke exposure in adolescents: Survey data from South Korea [J]. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2024, 22(January): 1-11.(SSCI Q2区)
2. Du W, Hua F, Qi S, et al. Parenting Attitudes and Korean Adolescents’ Mobile Phone Dependency: Testing the Mediating Effects of Depression [J]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2023, 19(2): 771-789.(SSCI Q1区)
3. Du W, Jian M, Hua F, et al. Influence of Positive Parenting Styles on Self-Regulated Learning in Chinese Adolescents Testing the Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem [J]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2021, 17(5): 2619-2635.(SSCI Q1区)
4. Du W, Luo M, Zhou Z. A Study on the Relationship Between Marital Socioeconomic Status, Marital Satisfaction, and Depression: Analysis Based on Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) [J]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2021, 17(3): 1477-1499. (SSCI Q1区)
5. Du W, Wu Y, Zhang Y, et al. The Impact Effect of Coal Price Fluctuations on China’s Agricultural Product Price [J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(15).(SSCI Q2区)
6. He X, Shek D T L, Du W, et al. The Relationship between Social Participation and Subjective Well-Being among Older People in the Chinese Culture Context: The Mediating Effect of Reciprocity Beliefs [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(23).(通讯作者)(SSCI Q2区)
7. Lin K, Du W, Yang S, et al. The Effects of Social Media Communication and e-WOM on Brand Equity: The Moderating Roles of Product Involvement [J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(8). (SSCI Q2区)
8. Luo M, Qi S, Du W. Family and queer temporality among Chinese young gay men: Yes, but not yet [J]. The Sociological Review, 2023, 72(1): 137-154.(通讯作者)(SSCI Q2区)
9.Zhou Z, Ma Y, Du W, et al. Housing Conditions and Adolescents’ Socioemotional Well-being: An Empirical Examination from China [J]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2021, 17(5): 2721-2741. (SSCI Q1区)
10. 彭华民, 杜文斌. 服务学习的创新扩散与行动改善:以韩国大学为例 [J]. 社会建设, 2021, 8(04): 3-11.(通讯作者,人大复印转载)
11.杜文斌,崔元奎.韩国高校社会服务与服务学习的发展探究[J].中国志愿服务研究, 2020(1):167-183,204.
12. 杜文斌,罗雯.社区志愿者的参与动机,组织环境与工作满意度的关系研究[J].中国志愿服务研究, 2021(2):113-134,189.